Fastest mile. 5:1 interval


Strangely did my fastest mile, for a while, during an interval run. 500m run 100 walk. 9 minutes 51


Stella my ever loyal Staffy, has a visit to the vets this morning, to clean her glands out and possibly have annual boosters. (Sorry Stella)
Even o had a little retail therapy yesterday, under the watchful eye of my better half, just to make sure I was gonna look respectable, some walking boots, and t shirts. In my bag. God knows what went in hers 
But it was nice to be out, esp as my mother in law treated us both to pub lunch.
Oh well ill sign off in my usual way, I CAN I CAN I CAN you just watch me!!!!!!!!

Hard fast mile


A steady but fast mile thus morning with my usual running mate Stella.


The rain is refreshing on my face and hair.

I’ve got a day off, for a long weekend. I’ll aim to run every morning.
My other half and mother in law have a days retail therapy planned with me probably being the pack mule. Gentleman I know.

Hopefully I’ll fond out if I’ve lost any more weight, today if my mum is in.

Clarence is not sure what’s happening, as I think he was expecting a lie in, but when I’m awake I’m awake.

But you know what, I CAN I CAN I CAN you just watch me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Up the pace

Decided on a one mile steady, run but slightly upped the pace to  12KPH. My butt and hamstrings are still aching from the weeks runs, and I will no doubt walk and run a combined ten mile by the end of the day.

Hoping to see my daughter


If she keeps her word, but then she is fourteen, and has a life which I respect, but it’d be nice to catch up with her.


My sister, too. Haven’t spoken properly since she was diagnosed.
It’s a pity I can’t afford a fishing trip at the moment could really do with a chill out.


Oh well you know it, I CAN I CAN I CAN you just watch me!!!!!!!!!!

September in Review

Clarence my inner chimp, would describe September as a overwhelming one of frustration, having continued to excersise and eat sensibly even going largely bread free, I’ve gotten the first cold of the season, which has meant a week of only walking Stella, but still watching what I eat, my sisters cancer being a confirmed diagnosis.


But my human who is slowly winning control, boxes Clarence, understanding his frustration, yes we’ve got a cold, but it will go, and we will return to training, continue to to eat sensibly, rather than diet, and no longer be dominated by emotion, preferably rational thinking and deduction, LOGIC.


My sisters cancer holds no certainty, to calm Clarence with, and whilst I believe that staying positive and trusting the specialist will overcome this, we must take each step as a family, and as each step comes, no point letting clarence take steps that need not be, to many times have i let Clarence’s fear overule my rationale!

This blog, I also realised has been such a revealing and therefore great idea, reviewing some of my posts, I begin to see changes in my thinking, and my language.

2015 so far has seen a massive tidal change, I’m still not saying that my journey is over, rather like “the fool” on the Tarot cards, I have met Death,(in Tarot it means change, upright for the better, upside down maybe for the worse (forgive me if I recall this badly as it is sometime since I have had my cards read))  in that I have changed who I am, to become who I want to be, but I repeat the change is not complete. I still let Clarence get out of his tree, with a couple of people, where I would prefer my human side maintain control. But I’m sure that time will guide my hand in that change too.
Still I know that I CAN I CAN I CAN you just watch me!!!!

Bad week

The weather is getting colder, and I’ve got the first cold of the season, which has dented my training schedule. I’m still walking Stella


But haven’t really worked out this week, as Ive been feeling a bit dilapidated. I do intend to redouble my efforts when I shake this cold off.

Things are surprising me though, my ability to turn the positive especially, and managing to keep my sister positive with what she’s going thru.

But I know I CAN I CAN I CAN you just watch me


First run of the week, constant 11kph run for 20 minutes, sweating and showered.

I’ve been a little lazy fitnesswise this week, but following a suggestion from one of my followers, spent the last 2 days virtually bread free, apart from one bridge roll with dinner yesterday.

Had 2 days to get my head around my sister having PEComa, a rare firm of bone cancer, however having spoken properly to her, we’ll know more monday, after she’s had another Mri, but they don’t seem to be worried, about it spreading, as they’ve already had blood tests.
Although she is prob gonna end up having a plastic knee and top third of her shin.
We’re trying to keep her positive, and tbh I’ve spoken to her more in the last 7 days than I have all year.


Oh well, I can do this, because I CAN I CAN I CAN you just watch me!!!!!

Butt kicking yoga and pilates

Got up this morning had my usual coffee, walked Stella


Came home and completed a butt workout, of
1 lunges
2 donkey kicks
3 fire hydrants

5 yoga poses,

Downward facing dog
Side stretch
Warrior 3

And finally 15 minutes pilates and my abs, butt and upper legs are screaming at me.

Added 8x60M sprints this evening

Once I’ve written this ill have a pint of warm lemon water.
To the real fitness experts amongst you, my apps tell me I can eat 2500 calories but I’m not getting anywhere near, lucky if I get to 2000. Is this a bad thing, as I’m stuck on a plateau. I’m not gonna let this get me down though, the achievement is in the act, results are a bonus.

Oh well I CAN I CAN I CAN you just watch me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!