95 cals in 10 minutes


Ten minutes lower body strength workout, according to SWORKIT, burnt 95 calories this morning along with 68 walking Stella


it’s good to have gotten the last 48 hours over and done, and I learned a lot, Wednesday night I shouldve waited and excersised Clarence, then boxed him, but theres ya lesson for the future, Clarence was so out of his tree, I think a silver back wouldn’t have been able to control him.
Also everything Clarence was kicking up about did not come true.

But then I learned, because I CAN I CAN I CAN you just watch me!!!!!!!!!!

2.25 miles

Ran 0.75 miles walked 100 metres just to measure pulse rate. Hence 2.25 miles.
Stella is keeping up with me again, so it must be doing her some good.

I think my limited fat is being hit hard this week, the run today allegedly burnt 503 calories. Saturday will tell, if we go over as Lou is not well, colds gone to her chest.
She has a auto immune deficiency so anything she gets hits her hard.
Running is getting me focused again, and I like the calm I get after a run.

Just goes to show I CAN I CAN I  CAN you just watch me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


God I look like my brother.
stella us having her third walk of the day which means after my earlier run I’m adding a power walk of thirty mins with a couple of added extras like a minute of step ups, twice, 2 sets 10 squats.
Stella’s not feeling very photogenic, but here she is again walking thru Fridaywoods.

little beast wangled a fourth walk, after stinking the flat out, I’m trying to think if something nice to say, lol

September in Review

Clarence my inner chimp, would describe September as a overwhelming one of frustration, having continued to excersise and eat sensibly even going largely bread free, I’ve gotten the first cold of the season, which has meant a week of only walking Stella, but still watching what I eat, my sisters cancer being a confirmed diagnosis.


But my human who is slowly winning control, boxes Clarence, understanding his frustration, yes we’ve got a cold, but it will go, and we will return to training, continue to to eat sensibly, rather than diet, and no longer be dominated by emotion, preferably rational thinking and deduction, LOGIC.


My sisters cancer holds no certainty, to calm Clarence with, and whilst I believe that staying positive and trusting the specialist will overcome this, we must take each step as a family, and as each step comes, no point letting clarence take steps that need not be, to many times have i let Clarence’s fear overule my rationale!

This blog, I also realised has been such a revealing and therefore great idea, reviewing some of my posts, I begin to see changes in my thinking, and my language.

2015 so far has seen a massive tidal change, I’m still not saying that my journey is over, rather like “the fool” on the Tarot cards, I have met Death,(in Tarot it means change, upright for the better, upside down maybe for the worse (forgive me if I recall this badly as it is sometime since I have had my cards read))  in that I have changed who I am, to become who I want to be, but I repeat the change is not complete. I still let Clarence get out of his tree, with a couple of people, where I would prefer my human side maintain control. But I’m sure that time will guide my hand in that change too.
Still I know that I CAN I CAN I CAN you just watch me!!!!


First run of the week, constant 11kph run for 20 minutes, sweating and showered.

I’ve been a little lazy fitnesswise this week, but following a suggestion from one of my followers, spent the last 2 days virtually bread free, apart from one bridge roll with dinner yesterday.

Had 2 days to get my head around my sister having PEComa, a rare firm of bone cancer, however having spoken properly to her, we’ll know more monday, after she’s had another Mri, but they don’t seem to be worried, about it spreading, as they’ve already had blood tests.
Although she is prob gonna end up having a plastic knee and top third of her shin.
We’re trying to keep her positive, and tbh I’ve spoken to her more in the last 7 days than I have all year.


Oh well, I can do this, because I CAN I CAN I CAN you just watch me!!!!!

15 minutes body pump

1 minute of each of these:
Jumping jacks
Push ups
Cycle crunch
Hugh knees
Mountain climbers
Wall sit

With 20 secs break between each excersise.
Followed by 2 cereal bars.

My sister has had a diagnosis of bone cancer confirmed, rare one too, PEComa.
So the fight has begun. She seems a little too calm, but even she admits it’ll hit her like a steam train at some point, which worries me as shes on her own.
We’re all trying to be supportive, and it’s gonna test my positivity model to the limit.
To be fair they don’t appear to be worried about it spreading at the moment, but she knows it’ll result in her having a metal/plastic knee at top third of her shin.

But I know she’ll be ok, and I will be there for her as best im able, because I CAN I CAN I CAN you just watch



3 in a row

Usual start coffee, then progress on my buns of steel, for 15 minutes, grab stella and run 1.5 miles of our 2 mile walk. This time it was a solid run. Am I the only one who finds I can run harder and faster in the colder air, maybe because it’s more dense?

The feeling of satisfaction from my aching gluteals is multiplied by the short but High energy run, standing writing this whilst completing the walk. I am truly learning to defeat obstacles, rather than be defeated myself by what used to be barriers.

You know what, it’s true I CAN I CAN I CAN  you just watch me!!!!!!!