

People ask me why I’m trying to get in shape, the answer I give is my Dad.while I loved, respected and admired him, 3 years 6 months on from his funeral he still drives me on, I do a fairly sedan try job, with little real activity, and I don’t wanna end up 20st plus like my father did.
He motivates me to keep going, and keep on my journey and ultimately achieve my goals and dreams in life.
My mother worries me she’s 79 and stressing over my sisters situation, and I realise, of course, she’s my sisters mum too, but am I wrong to think she shouldn’t worry at the expense of herself, she’s never been a selfish person and I’m not asking her to start now, but I am asking her to accept her limitations, and let me and my elder brother to take some of the decisions and strain off of her, because I CAN I CAN I CAN you just watch me!!!!!!

For the record I ran same goal as yesterday but 200 calories and did it two minutes faster

Thank you Doctor


Continuing from my earlier post, I went to the doctors, he diagnosed either Carpal tunnel, or it could be related to my whiplash injury early this year 
Either way it involves inflammation which is to be taken down via NSAIDS in this Naproxen. But it may take a few days to go away.
So I came home, had what I’d packed up as my lunch today, had a coffee and took the dog for a run. 2.3 miles in 30 minutes.
Clarence is happier as the diagnosis wasn’t serious, I did manage to keep him away from Google, and or speculating as to likely causes of the pins and needles.
The run excersised Clarence, and he is asleep right now.

Yesterday my sister had the all clear, from her second ECG so unless the Nhs are really cruel she’ll go in on the 15th November.
Haven’t heard from my brother so I assume he’s managed to avoid surgical invasion for his kidney stones.



I hope you’re not reading this while having your breakfast, but this is me after 5 minutes stretches 10 mins core strength and a further 5 minutes stretches.
Unless I start early it’s going to be hard to fit in a run, so I’ve downloaded SWORKIT a series of Yoga, Strength, cardio and stretching workouts.
I will still fit in at least three runs per week.


My sister has her appt for a second more detailed ECG, havingng the op cancelled has shaken her, but the ecg is scaring her.

My brother has had no further niggles from his kidney stones, and us hoping to avoid surgical  procedures going up his manhood.


Oh well a change is as good as a rest, and I’ve burned over 200 calories with walking stella thus morning.
See I CAN I CAN I CAN you just watch me!!!!!!!!!!

Is it a man thing


Why is it I can write down, or describe how i feel on here, but I cannot talk about how I feel with the people close to me, the only person I used to be able to (pictured above) is my dear old Dad.
I also used to be able to talk to my brother when I was young, but we’ve grown apart.
The only time I really talk about how I feel, is when I lose my temper, and even though I realise that I don’t get taken seriously because I’ve lost my temper.
I recently had a real chat with my brother though, my sister-in-law and neices were away, and it was just us, before knocking kn the door I told Clarence to keep calm and leg my intellect talk, and it worked, I did actually orate how I felt, (before you say it, I know I contradicted myself)
I can learn techniques to deal with things but it is not NATURAL to me.
I know then that thus is a chimp thing, and that I can overcome it, but I know I’m going to get into situations when I cannot prepare Clarence, and speaking if an actual situation that did happen, if I walk away, I’m accused of running away, being weak.
The reason I’m thinking this today is because of a conversation I forced myself to have with my daughter


Who has an amazing strength of character to say exactly what she thinks, and I told her that I was proud of her, and that I found it hard to open up the way she can.
In writing this I’ve realised why I find it so hard, it’s  because it’s with people who’ve, in my opinion, have betrayed me or my trust.
See told you I CAN I CAN I CAN you just watch me!!!!!!!!!

2.25 miles

Ran 0.75 miles walked 100 metres just to measure pulse rate. Hence 2.25 miles.
Stella is keeping up with me again, so it must be doing her some good.

I think my limited fat is being hit hard this week, the run today allegedly burnt 503 calories. Saturday will tell, if we go over as Lou is not well, colds gone to her chest.
She has a auto immune deficiency so anything she gets hits her hard.
Running is getting me focused again, and I like the calm I get after a run.

Just goes to show I CAN I CAN I  CAN you just watch me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


God I look like my brother.
stella us having her third walk of the day which means after my earlier run I’m adding a power walk of thirty mins with a couple of added extras like a minute of step ups, twice, 2 sets 10 squats.
Stella’s not feeling very photogenic, but here she is again walking thru Fridaywoods.

little beast wangled a fourth walk, after stinking the flat out, I’m trying to think if something nice to say, lol

Building Bridges

A few months ago I had a row with my sister-in-law which as a result left me and my brother, who’s older than me, not talking.

With my sister in for the fight of her life, we all need to be there for her, as she may have a malignant tuma in her leg.

When I learnt today that my sister-in-law and niece are away I seized the chance to begin to rebuild bridges, and knocked on my brothers door, “can I have 20 minutes to at lest explain where that all came from, and begin to rebuild bridges between us. ”
To my surprise the door opened, and we talked.
Remembering the “chimp paradox” I stuck hard to facts, allowing no emotions in.
We are talking again which im pleased with, but I don’t think it’ll be do easy my sister-in-law, but I’ve asked my brother to set it up if he can, on neutral ground, so that no one has sovereignty over the situation.
I know it’s going to be difficult but for my sister’s sake at the very least I’ll try to sort this out.